Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Highlights from Tuesday in Paraguay

These are Audrey’s highlights from today. She enjoyed getting to play the guitar in the school today. She played well and showed a lot of confidence in what she was doing. She had fun singing while other people were playing their instruments as well like the guitar, background vocals, and the drums. All the other young people have done an excellent job welcoming here in Paraguay and working to include her in the activities. She also learned one of the dances that the kids were doing and got to help with the dance multiple times throughout the day.(She got better and better at the dance too. She was gettin’ down! She also was very confident and sang beautifully.) She had many opportunities to practice the Spanish she knows. But the hardest thing was dealing with the language barrier.

Other Highlights. Today we focused most of the day on helping with the chapel times with the kids. There were four chapel times for four different sets of children and youth. The students danced, sang, did skits, did miming, and more. Kaleb and Wil got to lead a message with the children about giving God their best in all they do. Kaleb grew in his ability to share and connect with the students throughout the day.

Celeste has become the translator of our group and she is getting better and better at adding new words to her vocabulary and helping everyone understand what is being said. She has a gift for helping to connect with people.

Anna, had a rough start to her day, not sleeping well at night. But she joined us mid-day and helped us worship and give our best to God for the rest of the day. 

Tomorrow, we will have a great morning with the teachers sharing about what it means to give God our very best.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you all are having a good time. We have been thinking about you a lot! Can't wait to see some pictures. FYI, Susan and mom have recently booked our condos for FL in July, I can't wait to see you all soon!
